Friday, February 8, 2013

Are You a Sponge for Other People’s Emotions?

If you are a very sensitive, intuitive or spiritually open person, it’s important to understand that about yourself. Your aura is an energy field that expands outward from your physical body. It can expand from as little as several inches to filling up an entire room, depending on your energy level on any given day! You probably can feel when you are having days when you feel connected to the world and days when you don’t feel that.

As a spiritually sensitive person, if your aura is extending more than 18 inches from your body, then people that you come in contact with can actually be within your energy field and you can be affected by their emotions and feelings. Before I understood that energetic aspect of myself I often experienced absorbing other people’s thoughts and feelings without knowing what was going on. I would be minding my own business and suddenly I had a thought or feeling that came out of nowhere. I wondered where that thought or feeling came from and then I looked around me and saw someone close to me whose body language was expressing the thought or feeling I was experiencing. Sometimes I would strike up a conversation with them and sure enough they confirmed that it was their thoughts or feelings I was picking up on.  Sometimes I didn’t even want to go there and just understood what was going on! This happened to me for most of my life. 
It’s been a process for me to become aware of how open I am spiritually; it’s been another process to learn how to protect myself from absorbing other people’s emotions! Throughout my life I was often told I was just too sensitive. The implication was that it is not a good thing to be spiritually open and that I needed to learn to not be that way. I often wondered why I had to change! Why couldn’t others just learn to become more sensitive! Somehow closing off a part of me seemed counter intuitive. The first step for me was to see being sensitive as my gift. As with all gifts I had to learn how to work with it. We were created as energetic beings, it’s our nature. Our blocked energy is what desensitizes us, so really, being sensitive is natural; not being sensitive is unnatural. So until the rest of the world realizes that they need to become more in tune with their energetic vibration (by removing their blocked energy) those of us who are open need to work on how we can stay open and clear in a largely insensitive world. 

If you are a sensitive person and you can relate to what I am talking about, here’s a little tip for you. When you are going out in a public situation or you know that you will be coming in contact with someone who tends to have a strong energetic field (positive or negative) that affects you, pull your aura in so that it extends only 18 inches from your body. You do that by saying “I’m pulling my aura in to 18 inches from my body.” It’s that simple! This is the area recognized as “personal space” that people don’t normally enter unless they are invited in by you. You can surround your aura with golden liquid which will also act as protection from other people’s energy. Before doing a session it’s a common practice for a person doing healing work to do some kind of technique to protect their energy. This is often referred to as grounding yourself. 

It’s is also an important habit for healers to ground themselves after they do a session with someone. In the same regard, as a sensitive person, you too can release the energy of another person if you feel they have somehow invaded your energetic space. One technique is to simply rub your hands together and say “I release myself from (name of that person)’s energy”. It’s that simple. Taking a shower is also an effective way of releasing negative energy as water takes away negative energy. Isn’t it interesting that in the Christian tradition, Baptism is a process of using water, either by immersing someone’s entire body in water or pouring water over their head, to cleanse someone from evil and let them enter into a new life with Christ.  

Another great way to remove negative energy is to imagine violet light coming through your crown chakra and filling your entire aura and pushing all negativity and low energy down through your feet to the center of the earth where it will be dissolved forever! Violet light takes away negative energy.

You are a powerful person! You can be a sensitive person and be happy and proud of it. The best protection you can give yourself is to stay away from negative situations and toxic energy. Take charge of your life by being discerning about where you allow yourself to be. Give yourself the roots that come from being grounded, and the freedom that comes when you are no longer being a sponge for others’ emotions.

1 comment:

  1. Great article! I have found that I am also very sensitive to others' energy. This has been helpful in helping others through their processes, but also as an emotionally sensitive person, I've felt drained by others. In large groups I have felt almost claustrophobic and needing to escape.
    I'm glad to hear some of these techniques for clearing negative energy. I'll try it out.
