Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Let's bring peace into the world!

Fear and Anger versus Love and Acceptance. That's the war that goes on in our minds every moment of every day. I had an experience yesterday where I was angry at my sister because she hadn't sent me something that she said she would. I assumed that she hadn't sent it because of something she said to me months ago. Then the Daily Love that I got this morning helped me to change my attitude. I totally accepted that whatever was happening, the Universe was working as it should. I cleared my aura and sent loving thoughts to my sister and told her today that I was going to take care of her because she's the only sister I have! It totally touched her heart, and mine too! (I also learned another lesson about not assuming anything. Don't assume the worst, always assume the best!)

This was such a stark example to me of how we determine the nature of our lives every moment as we choose to be in love and acceptance rather than in fear and anger. We need to live in the present and create love. When you find yourself bringing into the now of your life the negative energy of yesterday's experiences, you need to stop and clear your energy. Use violet light to push any negative energy out of your aura to the center of the earth where it can be dissolved. Bring in the golden light of love into your aura and allow yourself to feel grateful. Ask the Masters (Jesus, Buddha, etc.) to be close to you and help you to love. In this simple act of moving from negativity to light and love, you can transform your life. You can bring new life to any relationship. Allow yourself to be kind and loving. We have the power to love. We are meant to be loving beings. These simple acts of love in every moment of every day is what will change the world. When we change ourselves, we bring new life and fresh love to the universe.

When peace is within our hearts it can be manifest into the world. Peace is possible in this world, as we make it real in our moment to moment lives! Let's bring peace into the world!